Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Great Ride and a Sad Farewell

So Elizabeth and I went to Wal-Mart on Friday night at midnight and bought the last Harry Potter. You can't imagine, except maybe Elizabeth who was with me, how excited I was to read it. I stayed up the entire night and read it until I finished it at 6:00 Saturday evening. I read it in about 14 hours. I had stayed up for 39 hours straight but it was well worth it. I love the other books but this is my absolute favorite. It is so deep and full of action. The entire adventure has been a great ride and with trepidation in my heart, I bid farewell to the series that has provided me with literally days of entertainment.


Amy D. said...

Ah, another true believer :)

audrey said...

Check my blog. I tagged you!

Julie said...

I was excited to see you have a blog. I look forward to reading this book this weekend. I just finished Flags of our Fathers. Very well written. and very interesting. Just incase you are looking for something else to read. :) Your Cousin. Julie