Saturday, May 15, 2010


Exactly three weeks ago, I went to Hawaii for 11 days. I went by myself and met up with people I know going to BYU-Hawaii. My time there consisted of beaches, hiking, beaches, great food, beaches, dances, beaches, hanging out with friends, and beaches. Needless to say I got a good tan! I found a fantastic deal via Hawaiian Air (my whole air travel cost a total of $316). The pictures are various adventures throughout my tenure there...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jumping Off a Bridge

So I ended up bungee jumping off Navajo Bridge in Marble Canyon (next to the Grand Canyon) this past Saturday. It was a liberating experience, that's for sure. After having been skydiving and bungee jumping, I would have to say that bungee jumping is more thrilling, at least the jump I did was. The bridge was 467 ft from the water and the drop with the bungee is 430 ft. Nuts? Yeah, I know I am.

This is the full view (not me jumping)

This is my jump

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Past 6 Months

As you may well know, I haven't posted for the past six months. It's not for lack of anything going on, quite the opposite. It's lack of time and, honestly, motivation to write it all down! So we'll do a month by month recount starting with August...

August: Started my LAST semester at BYU!!!
September: Had three med school interviews in Arizona and Kansas City.
October: Got accepted to Midwestern University in Arizona and KCUMB in Kansas City.
: Applied for the Health Professions Scholarship through the Air Force. Turned 24.
December: Graduated from BYU in Physiology and Developmental Biology with a minor in Chinese!!! Spent Christmas will all 27 members of my family. Found out I was selected by the Air Force for the Health Profession Scholarship. Busy month...
January: Get a bachelors and work at a grocery store... don't worry I set my sights high. (I really like my job and thoroughly enjoy some of the people I work with. I only needed a job for five months or so so it was crazy for me to try and find a new one. I'm not trying to justify anything but it makes me laugh to think about it nonetheless.)
February: Commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force. They came to my parents' home so my terminally ill father could participate. It really meant a lot to him, my family, and me.
Soon to Come: I'm bungee jumping from the Navajo bridge into the Grand Canyon! Height of bridge- 400 ft. + Length of bungee rope - 200 ft = 1 freaky free fall

Overall, I've had a lot of fun and continue to do so. Here are some pictures to help visualize!