Monday, February 25, 2008

A Lot-o-Hot Air

I was looking at scholarship applications and I came across this one with the following prompt:
In 500 words or less describe one major event that you feel has disrupted the natural flow of nature. The following is my submitted essay to said topic:

The one major event that has been key in the disruption of the natural flow of nature can be summed up in two words: bovine flatulence. The methane produced by the aforementioned bovine flatulence has had detrimental effects on the atmosphere throughout the world. The increased methane levels have depleted the ozone, which have not only subjected the world’s population to harmful UV radiation, but have also exponentially increased the damaging effects of global warming. Global warming is the main reason why the natural flow of nature has been shunted; the earth’s biological body is running a fever and will continue in such a path until it dies or until we make a difference. There are numerous ways we can decrease the levels of bovine flatulence in our atmosphere. The most manageable solution is to try and curb humans’, especially Americans’, insatiable desire for beef. By so doing, it will drastically reduce the number of cows; hence less bovine flatulence. Making everyone become a vegetarian or a vegan, my preferred choice, is both too idealistic and inconceivable. We can make a difference, one steak at a time.


Anonymous said...

Daniel - you are too much! Did you really submit this essay? You will have to post another entry to let us know if you got the scholarship.

elizabeth said...

I love it! I too believe in the vegan ways. Now is the time people, decrease bovine flatulence!

Mindy said...

daniel-white chocolate here
you are too freaking funny. yes, did you get the scholarship? flatulence is not pretty no matter what animal it is coming from.